Fly Cycle

Converting food waste into protein and fertilizer using insects

Circular Economy Innovation

Fly Cycle is transforming the global food system by converting food waste into protein and fertilizers through the use of insects.

Waste Management Services That Help Providing Reliable Environmental Solutions!

Organic Wastewmremove-transformed (2)

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How It Works

Flycycle is reshaping the global food system. To do this we're transforming food waste into protein and fertilisers with insects.

Food waste is collected and tipped at a Fly cycle facility.

Organic Waste Evolution


Flycycle insect protein ingredients and fertiliser range are available in bulk and retail. Ask a question or request access to our wholesale and distributor portals.

Waste Management

Flycycle offers a free waste advisory service. Ask us how your company could be saving on waste management costs and reducing Scope 3 emissions.

How is fertiliser made?

The role of fertiliser is to provide plants with the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. But how is it made?

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Organic Waste
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